Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teapot goes down the drain.....

Have your past days been boggled down and slow going -- well the past couple of days that has been the problem with our toilet. I rejoice in the fact that today's a new day -- especially since my hubby, Dale took the toilet out of the floor for repair. It has been investigated and the culprit has been found. A little teapot of mine was broken and flushed down the drain. It has now come to the surface and will be properly disposed of. Mercy on the wrongdoer but thanksgiving to God for my man who fixed it. Can you believe a little decor teapot could create a disaster?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My 5 year old said what?

Walking through Walmart today in the dairy section, my 5 year old son, Titus decided to voice his opinion. There was a rather large man in front of us when he stated loudly, "He is a fat man". How embarrassed I was. Immediately, I began the teaching lecture on how not to speak unkindly of people whether they were heavier, fat or skinny. Lecture completed as I walked down the next aisle.

A few aisles later, the same man walked past us. Titus instantly, blurted out "There goes that skinny man" with a sweet smile. Thank goodness again, the man did not look at us to see my embarrassment but continued walking. I pray that he forgives my little one who honestly tried to fix his mistake.

Speaking of manners........I have an 18 year old who prides in her belching and a 15 year old who wants to go to finishing school.....Can you figure that one out?

Monday, January 25, 2010

What a day!

It is 1:30 a.m. Youngest son of 4 years wakes up with the flu. First he vomits in his own bed and then continues at 5 a.m. vomiting in my room. Send Dad to get the carpet cleaner while loading up about 6 blankets and sheets and 3 pillows to the laundry room. Please, please spray that air freshener again.

8 a.m. What does a mom do for fun when she still has 8 kids at home? She goes to the doctor and gets about 25 mini-steroid shots.

10 a.m. I went out for breakfast with my sweet man (my husband). Of course, my cell phone rang about 5 times as we enjoyed our 'quiet' time together. We ate at the Lil Red Barn and enjoyed looking at the artwork for sale on the walls. I especially loved the one with the little boy sitting in the airplane.

12:00 p.m. The next 1 1/2 hours are spent working on getting prescriptions straightened out at the pharmacy and a little grocery shopping. I still go into sticker shock at the price of produce.

2:00 p.m. Mom tries to take a nap in the afternoon only to find that is impossible with the phone ringing. Now my little guy, who was sick last night, must have slept about 4 hours. I think he is feeling better.

5:00 p.m. I start fixing chicken casserole for dinner with a fruit salad. I am in the process of deboning chicken when the bank calls. They wanted to know if I wrote a check. I verify that yes I did. They continue to state that it didn't look like my writing. All is going well then wouldn't you know it the cyst on my left ovary is kickin in. The joys of being a woman.

7 p.m. My niece arrives with 8 kids. We have a blast! The kids are eating casserole and fruit; filling their little tummies. Now imagine there are 14 kids running and playing around the house. They especially enjoyed the spinet piano and organ. The house was filled with music as we sang around the piano "Our God is an Awesome God". Worshipping the Lord with family sure touches the heart and soul of this momma (and aunt).

9 - 10 p.m. I enjoyed chatting with dear friends on the phone; sharing how blessed I feel seeing God work miracles. I carry my 5 year old Titus off to bed since he has fallen asleep cuddled beside me. It is so amazing how he came to me as a little 3 1/2 month old abandoned baby and has grown to be 5 years old this week knowing he is loved.

11 p.m. Well, I better get the teens off of their "guitar praise" game and little Victor off to bed. He surely must be tired by now (I hope). Oh! I just heard that Kris was still awake. Hey, maybe they'll all sleep in tomorrow. A mother can always hope....How is all that for my first blog?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Esther's Blog

Coming Soon!! Under Construction..